chimney FAQ

What Should I Know About Chimneys As A New Homeowner?

Short Answer: As a new homeowner, it's vital to understand chimney maintenance. Schedule annual inspections and cleanings to remove creosote buildup and check for damage. Know the chimney components, and promptly address repairs to ensure safety, efficiency, and prevent fire hazards.

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Congratulations on becoming a new homeowner! Along with the joy and excitement of owning a home comes the responsibility of maintaining it. One of the essential aspects of home maintenance that often gets overlooked is chimney care.

As experts in the industry with over 50 years of experience cleaning, repairing, and maintaining chimneys, Lindemann is here to help. We will provide you with valuable information about chimneys and their maintenance to ensure your home stays warm and safe.

The Basics of Chimneys

A chimney is a vertical structure that provides a passage for smoke and combustion gasses from your fireplace or heating appliance to the outside atmosphere. The primary purpose of a chimney is to remove toxic gasses and excess heat from your home, preventing the risk of fire and ensuring your family’s safety.

Chimney Components

Understanding the various components of a chimney can help you better maintain it. A typical chimney consists of the following parts:

  • Flue: The internal passage through which smoke and gasses are expelled.
  • Lining: A protective layer inside the flue that prevents heat and combustion byproducts from damaging the chimney’s structure.
  • Chimney Cap: A protective cover that prevents debris, animals, and water from entering the chimney.
  • Chimney Crown: The top part of the chimney made of concrete or metal that protects the chimney structure from water damage.

The Importance of Chimney Inspections

Routine chimney inspections are crucial for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your chimney. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends having your chimney inspected at least once a year. A professional chimney sweep will check for:

  • Structural damage or deterioration
  • Creosote buildup
  • Blockages or obstructions
  • Damaged or missing chimney caps or crowns
  • Water damage

Chimney Cleaning

Regular chimney cleanings are essential for the safe and efficient operation of your chimney. The primary goal of chimney cleaning is to remove creosote buildup, soot, and other debris that may cause blockages or pose a fire risk. The Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) recommends that homeowners have their chimneys cleaned when there’s a 1/8-inch or more buildup of creosote. Here are some additional points to consider about chimney cleaning:

  • Frequency: The frequency of chimney cleaning depends on your chimney usage, type of fuel, and the quality of the wood being burned. Generally, you should have your chimney cleaned at least once a year. However, if you use your fireplace or wood stove frequently, you may require more frequent cleanings.
  • DIY vs. Professional Cleaning: While some homeowners may be tempted to clean their chimneys themselves, it’s advisable to hire a professional chimney sweep. Professionals have the necessary tools, expertise, and experience to safely and thoroughly clean your chimney, identify potential problems, and recommend appropriate solutions.
  • Chimney Sweep Certification: When hiring a chimney sweep, look for one certified by the CSIA or another reputable organization. Certified professionals are trained in the latest chimney cleaning techniques and safety standards, ensuring a high-quality service.

Chimney Repairs

Chimneys may require repairs due to various factors, including age, weather, water damage, and lack of maintenance. Addressing these issues in a timely manner is crucial to maintaining the integrity of your chimney and preventing more severe problems. Here are some common chimney repairs and their importance:

  • Relining: A damaged or deteriorated chimney liner can pose a significant fire hazard, as it may allow heat and combustion byproducts to escape into your home’s structure. Relining involves replacing the old liner with a new one, usually made of stainless steel or cast-in-place material, to restore your chimney’s safety and efficiency.
  • Repointing: Exposure to weather and time can cause the mortar joints between the bricks or stones of your chimney to erode. Repointing involves removing the damaged mortar and replacing it with new mortar to strengthen the chimney structure and prevent water infiltration.
  • Crown or cap repair/replacement: A damaged or missing chimney crown or cap can allow water, debris, and animals to enter your chimney, leading to blockages, structural damage, and safety hazards. Repairing or replacing a damaged crown or cap is crucial to protecting your chimney from these issues.
  • Waterproofing: Water is a chimney’s worst enemy, as it can cause bricks to crack, mortar to erode, and lead to mold and mildew growth. Waterproofing your chimney involves applying a waterproof sealant designed specifically for chimneys, which forms a protective barrier against moisture without trapping harmful gasses.

Chimney Safety Tips

Chimney safety is paramount to protect your home and family from potential hazards such as fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. Here are some additional safety tips to consider:

  • Proper Firewood: Burn only seasoned, dry hardwood in your fireplace or wood stove. Green or wet wood produces more creosote, increasing the risk of chimney fires. Avoid using accelerants such as gasoline or lighter fluid, as they can cause uncontrollable fires and damage your chimney.
  • Annual Inspection: Schedule an annual chimney inspection, even if you don’t use your fireplace frequently, as issues such as structural damage or animal nests can still develop and pose safety hazards.
  • Monitor Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Regularly test and replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Place them on each level of your home and in sleeping areas to ensure maximum protection.
  • Proper Ash Disposal: Allow ashes to cool completely before disposing of them. Use a metal container with a tight-fitting lid to store ashes, and place it on a non-combustible surface, away from your home or other structures, until they can be safely disposed of.
  • Educate Your Family: Make sure all family members, including children, understand the importance of chimney safety and are aware of the potential dangers associated with improper use.
  • Have an Emergency Plan: Develop a fire escape plan for your home and practice it regularly with your family. Make sure everyone knows at least two ways to exit each room, and designate a meeting place outside the home in case of a fire.


Chimneys are a vital component of your home’s safety and comfort. As a new homeowner, familiarizing yourself with their structure, maintenance, and safety precautions will help you protect your investment and ensure a cozy, safe living space for you and your family. Regular inspections, cleanings, and repairs by a professional chimney sweep will keep your chimney in top condition and safeguard your home from potential hazards.